ZSP's Core Objectives


Provide a forum for physios to participate in policy formulation


Collaborate and interact with other related Health Professions


Promote improved standards of Physiotherapy training and practice


Safeguard and maintain the honour, status and interest of the physiotherapy profession.


Dear Visitor

A word from our president

Welcome! Thank you for finding time to learn more about the Zambia Society of Physiotherapy (ZSP) and its activities. I trust that you will leave this forum empowered with knowledge about not only our organization, but about Physiotherapy in General.

ZSP is the official representative body for Physiotherapists in Zambia. Overall, the society strives to promote professionalism in Physiotherapy by encouraging the maintenance of the highest standards of professional conduct and the advancement of physiotherapy in Zambia through advocacy, research and diffusion of knowledge in the profession. In promoting professionalism, we endevor to develop a health system in which patients recieve rehabilitation services that are not only safe, but also effective and timely. Please get in touch with us for any further information regarding the association.

Thank you for your time.

Joseph Kamaloni

View ZSP Executive Committee

ZSP Calendar

Upcoming Events

Commemoration | 08 Sept 25

World Physiotherapy Day

Our Feature

Golden Jubilee - 50 years of SERVICE to the Nation

Founded in 1972, the Zambia Society of Physiotherapy has been in existence for 50 Years!, and has been instrumental to the growth of the Physiotherapy profession in Zambia.

From only a handful of professions practicing Physiotherapy in 1972, ZSP has over the past 50 years advocated for improvement in the provision of Physiotherapy services to the general public by advocating for increased rates of employment of Physiotherapy personnel, and by guiding the process of introducing Physiotherapy Diploma, Bachelor of Science Degree, Master of Science, and PhD programs in various institutions of higher learning. Now, with over 1000 Physiotherapists in practice, ZSP wishes its always supportive members a Happy Golden Jubillee!


Years of Existence


Physiotherapy Personnel in service

From ZSP


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