
Become a Member


Membership Fees

Become part of our vibrant community with and enjoy to exclusive benefits, and join over 1000 Physiotherapy Personnel and over 500 Physiotherapy student members.

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Diploma Holders

New Member: K225

Old Member: K180

Bachelors Degree Holders

New Member: K375

Old Member: K300

Master Degree Holders

New Member: K525

Old Member: K450

Doctorate Degree Holders

New Member: K750

Old Member: K600


What our Members are Saying

Chilumba Chabu | Physiotherapist

The quarterly Webiners are educative and exciting. I look forward to the next one.

Natasha Nkweto | Physiotherapist

I enjoy being part of the community of Physiotherapists in Zambia and the opportunities that it presents for exchanging knowledge and skills with fellow professionals.

Mambwe K.Phiri | Physiotherapist

Being a memberof ZSP comes with a lot of benefits.

Cormy Chingizya | Physiotherapist

Professional Development can only be achieved if we all support our mother body.

Mr. Peter DC Phiri | Physiotherapist

I have been an active member of ZSP since 2001. Being a member has been both satisfying and exciting.